It's 3am on Day 4 of Prosh Week, and I can't sleep (much like I haven't been able to sleep lately, for whatever reason -- except when passed out, of course). So what else is there to do but to update on Prosh Week shenanigans?
Prosh Week is hard to explain. There pretty much aren't even any words to try to describe what happens. There's no point, except to have fun (and maybe win as well). The week is filled with random events, some of which involve drinking, some of which are better with drinking (but during which drinking is not compulsory), all of which are ridiculously hilarious and amazing.
On Monday morning, we got decked out in our Prosh Week regalia (each team has a colour and a theme -- the MUSEX [Melbourne University Student EXchange Club, or something like that] colour is yellow and the theme is jocks and cheerleaders) and headed out to Envelopes, where each team receives a certain amount of (fake) money with which you bid on envelopes containing unknown tasks. Some (okay, a lot) involve nudity, others involve doing favours for the judges, and yet others are just plain bizarre (for instance, one of the envelopes MUSEX got was to research the history of men's shirts and hand it in to a judge). Two MUSEX guys shaved their heads, and we all were tasked with giving massages to any judge that asked.
Following Envelopes, we performed a team song and dance; ours involved a human pyramid (and my being sore the following day). Then, that afternoon, we had a huge waterfall race down the so-called "moat" on South Lawn, after which we had Afternoon Games and competed against other teams with some really random games -- bobbing for apples, eggthrowing, eating a bucketful of creme without your hands, etc. (The boyfriend won the apple-bobbing contest, but alas -- he's on the Geodudes team, not the MUSEX team.) MUSEX put on a good show and even won the Rubik's Cube competition (in which we had to do the Rubik's cube as many times as possible during the course of the afternoon...uh, we may have accomplished this by taking it apart, but whatever).
That evening was the Pub Games, competing with drinking games. I was on the MUSEX Beirut (Beer Pong) team with a Greek guy named Stathi. We won the first round and were doing pretty well in the second round, but our opponents rallied and managed to beat us. Ah well, I got some free beer out of it. =P And a good time was had by all.
I left pretty early that night; I was trying to save money (as opposed to spending it on alcohol), lol, and there wasn't a whole lot more to do unless you were on a team. I stopped by David's place and we spent some time together, but I left around 11 because he had to get some sleep for Long Drive the following morning.
Long Drive is one of the highlights of Prosh Week -- I wanted to do it, but would've been pretty useless since I'm not legal to drive in Australia. At any rate, it started at 9am Tuesday and didn't end till 9am Wednesday; it's a 24-hour drive around Victoria, completing crazy tasks whilst decked out like a rock band. The only thing about Long Drive is that it (obviously) precludes you from doing any of the Tuesday events, which includes a "Mystery Event" -- the Bachelor of Inebriation.
The Bachelor of Inebriation is a 10-hour pub crawl involving 14 bars/pubs and 14 drinking tasks (or subjects) in order for you to earn your BI; a higher degree (Master's and Ph.D) can be earned by doing "breadth" subjects that involve drinking extra alcohol. We cut the pub crawl a bit short because there was awful weather in Melbourne, skipping from pub #8 straight to Turf (which was the last pub), but I still managed to complete all of the tasks. I stumbled back to my room at around 8pm, with every intention of returning to Turf, but needing to get some food in my stomach before I died.
Instead, I passed out, woke up, puked, passed out again, woke up, crawled into bed, passed out yet again, woke around 2am, puked again, and then had a hangover. At 2am. It was pretty epic -- also, in future, I'll refrain from eating salt and vinegar potato chips whilst drinking...they burned so badly coming back up that water tasted too sweet to drink (because I don't like overly sweet things). I was trying to drink water to make the hangover less severe, but it literally tasted like I was eating sugar. Luckily though, since the hangover hit me at 2am, I went back to sleep and by the time I woke up, I was perfectly fine.
MUSEX also pulled a lecture stunt on Tuesday morning, wherein Andrew, our fearless [cheer]leader and team captain, crowdsurfed naked down a lecture theatre. We earned full points for the stunt and "Did somebody say naked crowdsurfing?!" has become like the unofficial tagline of Prosh Week. It was pretty hilarious, particularly since we crashed the Australia Now lecture, and the lecture on Tuesday was about the stolen generation of Aboriginal children. The lecturer had just finished showing a YouTube clip of Kevin Rudd's formal apology to the Aboriginal people for the stolen generation, and Andrew (who, I ought to add, is actually in that lecture) stood up (arse naked, of course) and screamed, "Did somebody say naked crowdsurfing?!" Then he just went. It was fantastic.
And that, of course, brings us to today (Wednesday). There was a nude run at 10am, which I skipped, but at noon, we had jellywrestling on South Lawn. I was the female MUSEX jellywrestler, and it was pretty ridiculous. It was rather cold outside today, and the jelly itself was cold and slimy. I went three rounds all the way to the finals, which was a three-way, since we had an uneven number of teams advancing to finals. Girl A and I teamed up on Girl B (who was bigger than both of us and had beasted all the girls she'd previously wrestled, so this was a pretty damn good idea, haha). Girl B managed to tear off my top, but was defeated in the process, and I was trying to fix my top (I was wearing a halter-top swimsuit, and not only was I hanging out, but it was caught in my hairclip and just a hot mess) when Girl A just came up and shoved me out of the pool. Somewhat annoying, but I wasn't particularly interested in winning anyway, since the winner had to wrestle one of the judges (for double points, but still, it's a judge and you don't want to offend them, lol). Besides, at that point I was exhausted and cold, so I just let it go, or else I would probably have fought it a little harder.
I'd planned on going to the boat race that immediately followed jellywrestling, but I was freezing, so I retreated to my apartment for a lovely hot shower. The slime took a lot of time to get off of me, since (as I discovered when I got in the shower) it got slimier as you added water. All in all, though, a fairly successful day. Trivia was the evening event, and I went for a while, but as I said, I haven't been sleeping well (or really at all, even), and I was tired, so I peaced out.
So, that's Prosh Week so far...the huge culminating event of the week occurs from Thursday to Friday, so we're all gearing up for that event, which is a huge Scavenger Hunt. The "white" list drops at noon, and the "black" list (which contains all of the unofficial, sort of illegal tasks) drops at midnight. I've skipped all my lectures so far, though I did attend all of my tutorials and rehearsals, but tomorrow afternoon I have two rehearsals and a lecture that I really do need to attend (since I already skipped it on Tuesday for the BI, and it's the lecture where the lecturer actually takes attendance). So I'll be missing Proshession, which is a huge fake parade down Swanston Street -- I sort of regret this, because Proshession is one of the great Prosh Week traditions, but I am still (sort of, haha) a student. And I'll probably also miss most of the white list, since I'll be in rehearsal/class from 1pm till 6:15. I might do the black list, depending on what's on it (don't want to get deported, lol). And then Friday morning there's the Metcard challenge that I'm meant to be doing, but details don't get dropped until the Scav Hunt details do.
Looking forward to the rest of the week, but I'll definitely be crashing this weekend. I need some serious downtime...for now, I'm going to try and get some sleep.
Making Things Worse?
1 day ago
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