15 July 2009

Amazing Things That Have Happened Thus Far

Okay, so I've been in Australia for about five days now. Highlights thus far:

-- Feeding kangaroos at the Australian Zoo
-- Petting koalas (again at the Australian Zoo)
-- Seeing Bindi Irwin posters everywhere (at the Australian Zoo); actually, this was less a highlight and more a bit creepy, but slightly amusing nonetheless
-- Seeing wombats, which are my new favourite animal (again, of course, at the Zoo)
-- Signing up to go to the Great Barrier Reef for a week at the end of September
-- Being able to jump into the Pacific Ocean for a swim in the middle of winter
-- The Aussie TV show Rush filming outside of Trinity College (where I'm staying right now)
-- An awesome currency exchange rate =P

At any rate, I'm off to do fun and amazing things. More comprehensive update to come later.


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